Inspired by last English lesson, I decided to share with you some tricks to train memory and remember better, especially during studies ;) I've found 12 pieces of advice, here they are:
1) Crosswords
One of my favourites activities ;) (during free
time of course!). Many times we can find the same words and definitions,
and that's the way to remember them and also to learn new terms.
2) What happened during the day?
Try to remember all the things you've done during the day, then put them into chronological order. First it could seem a bit difficult, but practising every day you'll find it easier ;)
3) Board games, such as ''MEMORY''
I think I don't have to explain it ;)
4) Mechanical learning
Lerning by heart f. ex. poems, numbers, directions etc
5) Fresh air
The best way to relax is to go for a long walk. Fresh air is very good for our brain, every day we should spend at least 15 minutes in a park or in any other place far from noises and air pollutions.
6) Physical excercises
They're crucial both for our physical and mantal condition. Doing exercises we provide our brain with blood, and then we can learn easier and more efficient.
7) Learn new subjects
Try to find some kind of subjects which may interest you, the best choice will be a foreign language, but not everyone feels a ''vocation'' to it. In that way we stimulate our brain cells.
8) Observe carefully
During walking try to concentrate on the environment, remember as much details as you could.
9) Read with comprehension
It's one of the easiest tricks, that's way it's crucial in learning languages. Reading we can learn new expressions and vocabulary.
10) Don't use ''helpers''
I shouldn't write it, as a student, but instead of writing everything in notebooks, we should remember them. But... is it possible?!
11) Associations
Creating some associations we can remember things better. I use it very often, so I recommend this technique ;)
12) Sleep!
Our brain, such us our all body, need to rest, that's why it's very important to sleep at least 8 hours every night (or day, it depends ;) ). But don't do it in school ;)
Do you know any other tricks? Maybe I'll try them out